Task Tracking Modes

The Task Tracking screen supports a number of modes which control the available actions depending on an employee's work status. Non-available actions are automatically hidden or greyed out as appropriate.

Manual Mode

In manual mode the Task Tracking screen does not track the status of employees, so they can always choose to either Start Task or Clock Out. In manual mode, all tasks are recorded as "Start Task" events.

Manual mode is the default mode if no mode is specified.

Auto Mode

In auto mode (mode=auto) an employee's status can be either:
In auto mode, the first task started each day is recorded as a "Clock In" event, and all other tasks are recorded as "Start Task" events.

Break Mode

In break mode (mode=break) an employee's status can be either:
In break mode, the first task started each day is recorded as a "Clock In" event, and all other tasks are recorded as "Start Task" events.

Rest Mode

In rest mode (mode=rest) an employee's status can be either:
In rest mode, the first task started each day is recorded as a "Clock In" event, and all other tasks are recorded as "Start Task" events.

NB: Rest mode requires iOS 15.0 or later.

Clock Mode

In clock mode (mode=clock) an employee's status can be either:
In clock mode, the clock in action is recorded as a "Clock In" event, and all tasks are recorded as "Start Task" events.
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