Getting back to work safely

Getting people back to work safely is easier said than done. Two in three employees are nervous about returning to work, according to a Qualtrics study.

Over half of workers want to see measures taken to protect them. And as new safe workplace principles and guidelines stress that employers are responsible for protecting workers’ health and safety – that means businesses need to have a strategy.  

And it starts at the front door.

NoahFace now offers a suite of touchless solutions that enable global companies to safely get back to business – by reducing the number of touch points for workers.

We believe that everyone deserves a safe space. So much so, that this is our new brand positioning vision in a COVID-19 world and beyond.

It’s why we have invented the world’s slickest, touchless solutions for everyday workplace activities that could now be considered high-risk, such as clocking, and opening a door.

We are working seamlessly with a group of like-minded leading organisations who share this vision. Industry leaders including Kronos and Genetec who are championing technology solutions for a safe return to work – wherever that may be.  

And we are already offering a kiosk unit with hand sanitiser dispenser – while collaborating with innovative product partners to make this a turn-key offering for an all-in-one, safer approach to Access Control and Time and Attendance.

Plus, customising screen prompts such as: 

Watch for more new developments and partnerships in our mission to deliver safe spaces.

For more information contact: (Sydney) (Los Angeles)

They say necessity is the mother of invention. Now meet the father of NoahFace.

In 2015 café owner Geoff Cropley came to the realisation that his business would run a lot smoother and he’d have a better relationship with his customers if he could remember their names and orders. You know what it’s like. You walk into your favourite café and they know your order. It makes the experience even better if they remember your name. As a customer you feel engaged and appreciated and are more likely to be loyal.

After scouring the world for a system that would work for his business, Geoff realized that using facial recognition technology would be the perfect solution. The problem was, such a system didn’t exist. So, instead of giving up, Geoff invented it. After 18 months of prototyping and stress testing in a real-life environment, and seeing large improvements in customer loyalty and profitability in his business, Noah Facial Recognition Pty Ltd was launched.

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