Mobile Device Managers

Enterprise customers typically use Mobile Device Managers (MDMs) to manage the configuration of their iPads and to deploy the NoahFace App.

Single App Mode

Single App Mode (SAM) in iPadOS is essentially the same as Guided Access Mode in that it ensures that only a single App can run and users cannot close it, minimise it, or delete it. If you are deploying the NoahFace App via an MDM you should enforce Single App Mode for the NoahFace App as a setting in the device profile.

Updating the NoahFace App

iPadOS will not update the NoahFace App when it is running in Single App Mode, so, the general approach to updating the NoahFace App that is being deployed via an MDM is to periodically:

  • Update your profiles to require require a specific minimum App version for the NoahFace App.
  • Update your profiles to temporarily exclude your devices from SAM.
  • Synchronize your profiles.
  • Monitor your devices to ensure they all update.
  • Update your profiles to re-enable SAM.
  • Synchronize your profiles again.

The exact process will be specific to the MDM product you are using - so please consult your MDM documentation and/or support team for specific advice.

App Configuration

The vast majority of settings in the NoahFace App can be centrally managed using the NoahFace Dashboard in a Web browser. However, settings related to the Camera, Facial Recognition, and Liveness Detection, can only be configured locally in the NoahFace App or using a Mobile Device Manager (MDM). To configure these settings within your MDM you must ensure the NoahFace App is Managed (ie: it is deployed by the MDM) and you then define these settings as a set of key/value pairs in the Managed Configuration for the NoahFace App. The available settings are listed below:


The activation code can be managed using a Mobile Device Manager (MDM) by setting:

  • NFActivationCode. The unique Activation Code for the Access Point as allocated in the NoahFace Dashboard.

This allows you to connect the NoahFace App to specific Access Points without using QR Codes or distributing activation links to your devices.


The following Camera settings can be managed using a Mobile Device Manager (MDM):

  • NFCameraType. The camera to use, either "Front" or "Back" (string).
  • NFZoom. The camera zoom, between 1.0 and 2.0 (float).
  • NFBrightness. The camera brightness, between 0.0 and 1.0 (float).
  • NFShutterSpeed. The camera shutter speed, either "Automatic", "1/1000", "1/500", "1/250", "1/125", "1/60", "1/30", "1/15", "1/8", "1/4", or "1/3" (string).

Facial Recognition

The following Facial Recognition settings can be managed using a Mobile Device Manager (MDM):

  • NFNoTouchDetection. Whether no touch detection is enabled, either True or False (boolean).
  • NFDetectRotatedFaces. Whether detection of rotated faces is enabled, either True or False (boolean).
  • NFDetectionDistance. The distance at which to detect faces, either "Minimum", "Very Near", "Near", "Medium", "Far", or "Very Far" (string).
  • NFDetectionThreshold. The detection threshold, either "Very Low", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High", "Maximum" (string).
  • NFHighLightFaces. Whether face highlighting is enabled, either True or False (boolean).
  • NFEventPhotos. The type of event photos to capture, either "None", "Standard", "Large", or "Thermal" (string).
  • NFMatchingThreshold. The matching threshold, either "Very Low", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High", "Maximum" (string).
  • NFLearningMode. The biometric learning mode, either "Registration", "Limited", or "Continuous" (string).
  • NFLearningThreshold. The biometric learning threshold, either "Very Low", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High", or "Maximum" (string).
  • NFSelfCorrection. Whether self correction is enabled, either True or False (boolean).

Liveness Detection

The following Liveness Detection settings can be managed using a Mobile Device Manager (MDM):

  • NFMovementTest. Whether the movement analysis test is enabled, either True or False (boolean).
  • NFBackgroundTest. Whether the constant background test is enabled, either True or False (boolean).
  • NFDepthTest. Whether the depth analysis test is enabled, either True or False (boolean).
  • NFThermalTest. Whether the thermal analysis test is enabled, either True or False (boolean).
  • NFVisualFeedback. Whether visual feedback is enabled, either True or False (boolean).
  • NFLivenessLockTime. The lock time when fraud is detected, between 1 and 10 seconds (integer).

MDM Products

The mechanism to apply the App Configuration for the NoahFace App is different within each MDM vendor's product. Instructions for some popular MDMs are provided below to get you started. If you use another MDM or you have more detailed questions on how to apply settings within your MDM product, you should consult your MDM vendor's documentation or contact their support team.

Microsoft InTune

Under Apps / App Configuration Policies, Add a Managed Devices policy, provide a name, select the Platform, and a select the NoahFace App as the Targeted App:

Then select the Configurations Setting Format of Use Configuration Designer and simply define the list of keys, format, and values you want:


From your list of Apps, select the NoahFace App and then select App Configuration as follows:

You then need to create an XML file containing the list of keys and values you want to configure using the provided template - for example:

Finally, you can load this XML file and save your App Configuration:

Simple MDM

Select the NoahFace App and then select Managed Configuration. Simply define the list of keys and the values you want - noting that this can also include variables (enclosed within double curly braces) that you can provide a value for for each device:

Manage Engine: Mobile Device Manager Plus

Firstly, add the NoahFace App to your list of managed Apps:

You then need to create an XML file containing the list of keys and values you want to configure (in "plist" format) - for example:

Then select the NoahFace App and select Configurations. From this page you can load the XML file as your App Configurations and adjust the settings if needed under Configuration Details:

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